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Showing posts from March, 2022

Social Media Platforms: For Dummies

     Considering joining a social media platform to show off your business can be a confusing and scary time. Every platform offers something unique, and varying levels of creativity are needed to gain an audience if you are not already known a brand. How do you know that you are reaching your target audience, which platform(s) will work for the company; the list goes on and on of possible questions related to social media marketing.        I am a sucker for small businesses, especially those run by people who do not understand the internet, let alone social media. These places are unique and are run by fabulous people with individual passions, but they sometimes do not realize they could share their and their business’s story, and it could reach millions. Ultimately reaching more consumers in the long run or even gaining brand recognition among those not local to the company.    A Brief Overview of Varying Social Media Platforms  ...

"I hate engaging content!" said no one ever.

             It is well known that the ability to create engaging content for consumers is always in high demand. In return, tracking total engagement is a necessary evil in knowing how interesting your content is.           Suppose marketers were only to assume that their content was engaging and found interesting does not mean that consumers will. In that case, there is an overall bias when it comes to one’s creations, so the marketers will not judge how engaging their content is. An outside perspective is needed; this is where consumers come into play. Consumers provide the data required to decipher if the content is engaging.   Engagement Metrics          • Page Exit Ratio- Number of times a page has been exited divided by the total number of page views of the same page        • Single Page Visits Aka Bounces- when a consumer only visits one page, then automat...

Everything Needs a Good Foundation

       While often made to look effortless and understandable, website metrics can be one of the trickiest and most confusing reports that a single person can look at. The issue is typically an overload of information which causes stress and overthinking in response to the mass amount of numbers.        The best advice I could give anybody would be to break all the numbers that are causing the overload and split them into sections; this way, you are working on one piece at a time, each one branching off the other, giving you the ability to understand the once very overwhelming information.   The first step of this would be building the foundation. When you build a house, the foundation is one of the first steps and could be noted as one of utmost importance. It holds everything together, and although it is basic, everything gets built on top of the existing foundation. If the foundation were not there, nothing else would be able to be m...